Preparing for Labour and Delivery: What to Expect in the Third Trimester

The third trimester of pregnancy is an exciting and crucial time as expectant parents eagerly await the arrival of their baby. It's during this phase that preparations for labour and delivery take centre stage. Understanding what to expect during this transformative period can help alleviate anxiety and empower parents to have a positive birthing experience. In this blog, we will discuss the signs of labour, stages of childbirth, pain management options, and strategies for creating a positive birthing experience.
Signs of Labour
As the due date approaches, it's essential to be aware of the signs that labour may be imminent. While every woman's experience is unique, some common signs of labour include:
1. Braxton Hicks contractions: These are often described as "practice contractions" and are characterised by the tightening and relaxing of the uterus. These ‘contractions’ are usually irregular and less intense than true labour contractions.
2. Increased pelvic pressure: As the baby moves deeper into the pelvis, you may feel increased pressure on your bladder and lower abdomen.
3. Cervical changes: Your healthcare provider may perform a cervical examination to check for effacement (thinning) and dilation (opening) of the cervix, indicating that labour may be approaching.
4. Bloody show: The release of a small amount of blood-tinged mucus plug is a common sign that labour is near.
5. Rupture of membranes: Your water breaking, characterised by a gush or a steady trickle of fluid, is another sign that labour is starting. However, keep in mind that not all labours begin with the water breaking. If you are concerned about your water breaking at an inopportune time, wearing postpartum maternity underwear, like Partum Panties, can give you confidence and support that you won’t make a mess when/if your waters do break.
Stages of Childbirth
Labour and delivery can be divided into three stages, however, your delivery might not go as planned or a c-section may be your choice for childbirth, in which case the stages of vaginal childbirth may not apply to you.
1. First stage: This stage is further divided into early labour, active labour, and transition. Early labour is characterised by contractions that may start off mild and irregular but gradually become more frequent and intense. Active labour follows, with contractions becoming stronger and closer together. Transition is the final and most intense phase, where contractions reach their peak, and the cervix fully dilates (10 cm).
2. Second stage: Also known as the pushing stage, this is when you actively push your baby through the birth canal. With each contraction, you work with your body to bear down and bring your baby closer to delivery. This stage ends with the joyous moment of your baby's arrival.
3. Third stage: After the birth of your baby, you enter the third stage, which involves the delivery of the placenta. It typically occurs within 10-30 minutes after your baby's birth.
Pain Management Options
Labour pain can be intense, but there are various pain management options available to help you navigate through it:
1. Natural techniques: Breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, and changing positions can help manage pain and promote progress in labour. Utilising a birthing ball, taking warm showers or baths, and having a supportive birth partner can also provide comfort.
2. Medication: If you choose to have pain medication, there are many options that may be available to you, including happy gas, pain relief or an epidural. We recommend discussing your pain relief options with your healthcare provider before you go into labour to understand their benefits, risks, and potential side effects.
3. Alternative therapies: Some women find relief through alternative therapies like acupuncture, hypnosis, or aromatherapy. These methods can help promote relaxation and reduce discomfort during labour.
Creating a Positive Birthing Experience
While the birthing experience can feel unpredictable, there are strategies you can employ to help create a positive and empowering journey:
1. Education and birth plan: Attend childbirth education classes to learn about the birthing process and discuss your preferences with your healthcare provider. Creating a birth plan can help communicate your desires regarding pain management, movement during labour, and any specific requests you may have.
2. Supportive birth team: Surround yourself with a supportive birth team, which may include your partner, family members, or a doula. Having trusted individuals by your side can provide emotional and physical support throughout labour.
3. Mind-body techniques: Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, visualisation, and meditation to help manage pain and reduce anxiety during labour.
4. Communication with healthcare providers: Open and honest communication with your healthcare providers is crucial. Discuss your concerns, ask questions, and ensure that you feel informed and empowered to make decisions that align with your preferences.
5. Flexible mindset: Remember that birth can be unpredictable, and it's important to remain flexible. Be prepared for unexpected changes in your birth plan and trust in the guidance of your healthcare team.
The third trimester of pregnancy is an exciting time filled with anticipation for the arrival of your baby. By understanding the signs of labour, stages of childbirth, pain management options, and strategies for creating a positive birthing experience, you can approach this transformative period with confidence and empowerment. Remember to stay informed, communicate your preferences, and surround yourself with a supportive birth team. Trust in your body's ability to birth your baby and embrace the incredible journey of labour and delivery.